Once purchased you will be directed to a confirmation page, from there you can either print out the gift certificate or email it to the recipient. The recipient can then redeem the code on the certificate for any of our services.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.


Gift Voucher

Valid for (or towards) all classes as per timetable, private yoga classes and holistic health appointments.

Valid for 90 days from date of purchase, not redeemable for cash.